Henceforth, whilst I combat in Halo 2 in the most hellacious of realms betwixt the band of merry drinking debaucherous companions and cowardly lacking-of-man-hair imps, I shall climb up on my faithful Warthog, then I go ride gonna smoke some Grieve, climb up on my BIG ASS Warthog and ride ride riiiiide forth into battle, my torso nestled in the best my Uncle the most noble Sam can provide, specifically the Isratex, Inc. DLA100-91-D-0385 Ground Troops Body Armor/Fragmentation Protective Vest. As I smite down the heathen hairless possessors of a dozen years, atop my crown shall lie the Stemaco Products, Inc. DLA100-88-C-4398 PAS6T Kevlar Helmet, protecting my most endearing smile and luxuriant locks of golden hair with which I woo the Ladies in Waiting.
I prithee you, demon children who lack testicular mass and fortitude, beware the Todd! And now I shall retire to the fortress for a Victory Ale.
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