Sunday, July 16, 2006

Pendulum Jump

Up in the Swiss Alps there are places you can do some crazy shit. Like, for example, pendulum jumping. Basically there's a bridge about 100m up over a river, across the mountain gorge. Dangling from the from the bridge is a cable you strap into with a climbing harness and then, well, jump. It's an effin blast.

I know this goes without saying, but it's very important to square up the package. Otherwise the harness will chafe.


Erika said...

wow, it's like a push-up bra for your package!

BenJ said...

100m huh? Boy, you really have gone Euro on us. That's 328.08ft to us Yankee's. Either way, your junk looks fabulous. Gonzo!

Kooz said...

Uugh...he's so bulgy!

Dr. Black said...

what can i say, i learned from the best, ben