Monday, January 09, 2006

Check out my hairy Box!

Pandora's box that is... and I guess it's not hairy at all.

I'm always wanting to check out new music and find the coolest bands but I can't seem to find the time to look them up on the internet or get my lazy ass to a show. And commercial radio is a let down to say the least. What I need is something to TELL me what I like... well, nicely suggest rather. Turns out there is just such a thing and it is totally free. It's called Pandora, and based on bands you like it will suggest more bands.

But it's not just a music suggester, it's a full fleged personalized internet radio station. Give it a band name you like and it will start playing a song from that band. After the song is over it will play a different band that is similar to the one you entered. You have the choice to say "likey" or "no likey" and based on these ratings it determines what you like. The more you listen and rate, the better the music gets. It will even tell you why it's playing what it is. You can even create different stations, maybe one is rock, one is acoustic and another goth (my fav!).

It seems to have a nearly infinite music database; I had no problem finding TGUK, Reggie and UFB. And for those genius mac users out there, they have a nice widget for you to put on your dashboard. So seriously, this is the coolest F'ing thing I've seen in a long time... do it.

Link to make Scott's life even lazier:

Oh yeah... Happy Birthday Scotty!


Dr. Black said...

I prefer good old 'word of mouf'. My new favorite band happens to be Panic! At The Disco. They are a pretty sweet Rock/Alt/Techno/Elec joint from Vegas. Check em' out at I'm hoping to catch their show with The Academy Is... next month. They'll all be in town (L-Town, that is) at the Granada in March. Rock!

Dr. Black said...

And Ben, I'm willing to bet that if the box is yours, it's hairy.