Tuesday, January 17, 2006

WTF over?

I'm out flying missions in the "Box," aka Iraq and Afghaniland, and KU fucking loses to our two biggest rivals? What. The. Fuck. Over. I'm in sie Deutschland right now drowning my sorrows by drinking my weight in German beer...which is very good by the way.
And yes, in honor of the "flying jayhawk," here's a pic of the lil guy in Kyrghistan with a sweet honey I met. I tried to woo her, but seeing as how I'm able to find an ice princess in hell, she turned a cold shoulder to my flirtations.

Last time I hit on an ice princess, it took two Kentucky Gentleman/Natty Light boilermakers drunk in rapid succession to give me the courage!

Obtw, I get back from the desert and get on a commercial flight in Newark, nonstop to Dublin with my K-state flying compadre, who I've spent the last two weeks with in tent...the other pilots/loadmasters on the trip started calling us the Brokeback Lts, which I don't appreciate in the slightest. MY liver is going to die.

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