Friday, August 10, 2007

The NH Primary in a Nut Shell

Things seem to have gone quiet here at the Franks. This is a video taken by a blogger from Ohio who's covering the campaign. I won't comment on the video beyond saying that this happens on a much more regular basis than one might imagine.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Elvis and 2" of Dangling Fury

As some of you know, some of the infamous tapes were lost. They appeared to be lost forever and a little part of me died. Well one day I awoke to the sound of sirens singing the sweetest song. It wasn't a hymn that you would suspect but The Barnum and Bailey Circus theme! There was a little shoulder angel sized version of Todd and Samp "juggling" with huge grins on their faces. Then they opened a drawer that hasn't been looked in for three years and a blinding light appeared. The tapes! The GLORIOUS tapes!

Let the compiling begin! I'm looking through the tapes as I write this and ohhhhh the things we said and did. Soon you will all know about Elvis and 2" of Dangling Fury.

Pimpmaster T

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I'm surprised this hasn't shown up here until now...


Sunday, April 15, 2007

Evil Dead the MUSICAL!

By far my favorite song from when I saw this in NYC

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Royals OF Joey Gathright Mad Hops

It's good to know that if the Isotopes, er, I mean, the Royals make the playoffs and Homer forgets where he parked his car, Joey Gaithright won't miss a step.


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Centaur Pub Crawl 2007

April 21st, in Westport, the first annual Centaur Pub Crawl will take place! Will you be there? contact Tyler for info!

Mission Accomplished

For those of you who are bored a lot and spend time reading sports blogs, you may have heard of Deadspin. They are kind of a big deal. They did a post this morning on the Nats home opener. Recognize the video?


Monday, April 02, 2007

Baseball Is Back

Opening Day is here again, and I was lucky enough to get away from the office for a few hours to take in our national pastime. Unfortunately, our Nationals don't look like they will be winning too much this year. It's been said that the most entertaining part of the games this year will be the President's race. And on a day when the staff ace gave up six runs on seven hits in 3 and 2/3rds innings, Teddy Roosevelt came through. See, old TR went Oh-fer-2006 in the race last year. This year, he got some Army Rangers to help him out.


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

nostalgia at its finest

I just wanted to make everybody aware that I plan on compiling all of our classics together into one DVD. So here comes the Peeps challenge, Tyler Mary and the Boy Band, You Yolkie Bastard, and more! I might also include a slide show of some of our pics from college. So if anybody has some good pictures they might want included just email them to me. I'll get everybody's addresses so I can send out the disc whenever I get it done.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Dance Ben! DANCE!!!

Ben demonstrates every dance move and plenty that we never knew existed!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

An Epic Story

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


I'm excited!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Sunday, March 04, 2007


Why didn't anyone tell me about the chickens??? I just learned it from my roommate who only found out about it because PETA is protesting K-State!!

What retards. Well, at least they painted the chickens red and blue... how pretty.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Monday, February 26, 2007


I haven't had a whole lot of exciting things happen over the last month but I'm sure somebody has. Its been a month people and there isn't a new post from anybody. Kuz? Kyle? Todd? Come on... write us a gem.

Just here to give us all a swift kick in the ass.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Conan for the win!

Made me chuckle.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Nice work on the update Squeeks

It was time for a change and what we got was Scott asking us to pull his finger. We're a class act her at The Franks and You. Just to show you how classy we are I thought I'd finally post some images so dear to me. I didn't want to say anything before but Nuirrel, you might want to get those looked at.