Sunday, August 28, 2005

Thats how I roll...

If you challenge "Busta" Rapp in a drinking contest consisting of shots (2 Jagers, Wild Turkey, Jack and one "Swedish Fish" I bought whilst trying to take a chick home), two 7&7s, one Red Bull and Vodka, an Irish Car Bomb and 6 pints of Blue Moon, you'd better be able to reap what you sow...

Jay's crop is screwed come first frost.

Friday, August 26, 2005

My dork goes to 11!!!

I know many ways to get less respect from people, especially ladies, but I don't even have to open my mouth with this.

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Thursday, August 25, 2005

I can't believe it's not panda...

In case you haven't heard, there is another baby panda at the National Zoo. In concert with the Chinese government, the Zoo is allowing the public to vote on a name for the bundle of fur for the first time in the history of the panda exchange program.

Following the pattern of most "democratic" elections in this country, the people have been given a severely limited number of options and forced to vote for the one they dislike the least. In other words, the panda name choices suck. I thought Ike Turner would be an appropriate name, but no one listens to me.

Rejoice fellow citizens, because in the 21st century, elections are no longer rigged by the power-hungry party elite. They are rigged by people on the internet. Currently there is a grassroots movement afoot in cyberspace to reclaim the people's naming rights to the offspring of bears from other countries. And they shall call him...


Yes, there are some people who have allegedly hacked into the National Zoo's Panda-Naming Matrix (NZPNM) and claim to be able to submit legitimate votes for the name Butterstick. I am unsure of their actual abilities, but that's too fucking funny not to try. So go my countryman and

Vote for Butterstick!

Monday, August 22, 2005


Hey, just to let you all know I will be coming back to Larryville for a few days at the end of October to booze, see all my peoples, booze, catch a football game, and booze. If there's time, maybe squeeze a little drinking in. I'm getting in the evening of Thursday the 27th and leaving Tuesday Nov. 1st. I'm hoping to get tickets to the KU-MU homecoming game on Saturday. So let Josh or myself know if you are interested in going. Hope to see all of you there!


Friday, August 12, 2005

Lucky 13

Yeah, alright, go royals. Hmm, i knew they could do it. A bakers dozen straight losses. Super Duper!!

God they suck, hard.