Saturday, December 31, 2005

2-double 0-6

Happy f'ing new year guys!!!
I hope you all party like it's 1999 and be safe!

And I'll see YOU on the flip side...

Friday, December 30, 2005

Gold is the New Black

Watching the game last night, did anyone else see Moulaye in his sweet gold robe? The LJW identified it as a "kaftan" which I believe in Mandingo, one of the languages spoken in his native Senegal (look it up), translates to "pulling all the white trim I want." Where do you find shoes to match something like that?

Friday, December 23, 2005


Alright, I know I've just been posting a bunch of links, but I just can't resist. I thought I knew hardcore before I saw this video, but I was wrong. This is how everyone should have to ask another to prom. I think it would be a better world, and we could dance and dance and dance and dance and dance.

Enjoy: Hardcore prom vid

(not that kind of hardcore!)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Check out this sweet badass. Could this be a glimpse into the future for someone we know?? (josh)

Vid link

Sunday, December 18, 2005

the chronic

WHAT? cles of Narnia. If you didn't see the SNL tonite you're missing out. Andy Sandberg (the new guy) and Chris Parnell had a rap entitled "Lazy Sunday". I could try and explain it, but you should just see it. "Snack attack mother fucker!!!"

Update!!: I finally found a link to it as a video file, enjoy.

"Lazy Sunday"

Friday, December 16, 2005

Holiday Cheer

Is there anything better than the holiday office party? I am sitting here in a world of hurt, reeking of gin, trying not to puke on my keyboard. But we had fun, damnit. Is there any better way to spend an evening drinking ten dollar cocktails and eating steak on the company dime? Sure we did the hokey gift exchange, and played a game of charades, but that was offset by the excellent wait staff who never let my wine glass become less than half full. The worst part about the holiday office party? Going to work the next morning and facing your other colleagues who were a bit more restrained in their celebrating than I was. The stories they tell are blasphemy, I'm sure. Allegedly I become a bit of a flirt when I drink. That's always worth a few odd looks in the morning. (Hey Liza, give me a call, we should hang out sometime.)

Ali, the coolest mutherfucker I work with in the style of George Clooney, and I rocked it long long after our other coworkers had gone home. Here's a mental picture for you as described to me by my boss in an email this morning: Ali and I were step dancing with a group of Howard University students outside the MCI Center in downtown DC trying to catch a cab, in the rain, at one in the morning. Of course, I reminded my boss that her and I had been swing dancing in the middle of the bar moments earlier. That's the kind of dirt that will get you a promotion. Happy Holidays to all and happy drinking.

Anyone got any Pepto?

Loyal Royal

In all of my loyal Royal dorkatudes I have found this site to sink my Royals gossip dorkness into.

I don't know if its the best site to get your Royals gossip from, but really if anyone else but me cares you'll just deal with it or find something else.

Scott, Royals fan because . . . George Brett is my childhood hero.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


From the people who brought you the 1st and 2nd annual Peeps Challenge comes one of the greatest events in the history of bad ideas. The 1st annual Egg Nog Challenge!!! Its just in the development stages right now. Who's with me?

Friday, December 09, 2005


Just a note. I got back from West this morning and thought, damn its freaking cold. I checked the weather channel (because you can always trust the weather channel) and it was -10 degrees. Just so you know that is FUCKING cold, really FUCKING COLD. That is all, thank you and goodnight.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Just so you know how bad it sucks here...

Jersey sucks. Philly sucks balls. The northeastern part of the country sucks. Here's why:

Image hosted by

Please god, say she's an escort so that the world makes sense and I won't firmly believe that size MUST matter, be it his bank account or wang.

Has anyone seen Joey Buttafuco? I'm sure I mispelled the fuck out of that.

T 2 the double D

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Alright, so back to my amazing 2 or 3 something in the morning posts. I've got a flickr page with some photos on its. Some of the photos are viewable through the blog, but the new ones are not. I'll try and keep up with updating the photos every so often, but no promises.


P.S. If you didn't watch The Office today you are missing out, Turkey!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Peanut Butter Jelly With A Baseball Bat!

Just in case anyone missed The Family Guy last week, you must see the clip of Brian singing It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time to Peter just to cheer him up. Should we all be so lucky to have friends like that.

(Yeah, two posts in a row. Not a shit ton getting done at work today, huh?)

Turn left in 500 feet... fool!

Not that I can afford my own personal in-dash navigation system anytime soon, but when that day comes, I will be certain to let Mr. T guide the way...

California company NavTones has contracted with Mr. T and the actors Burt Reynolds and Dennis Hopper to record voices that can be loaded into navigation systems, giving your driving directions a little extra personality. [...]

Where the typical navigation system says "You have reached your
destination," Mr.T's voice follows that with: "What is that? That's where you were going? Oh, man. You wasted my time!"

So here's the question. If you could have any voice instruct you as your dumbass drives around in circles, who would it bee? Mr. T? Chuck Norris? StrongBad? Ashlee Simpson (only if she sang)?

Exercise your First Amendment right and comment now...